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What in the sam fucking hell did I just fucking play.

This game is really neat, and I really enjoyed what I've played so far; though I feel like I'm missing out on a lot of it...

I can only figure out how to get 2 of the endings: "True Ending" and "Very Special Ending Code: A" (I think),, I'd really like to be able to explore the other things/endings/etc. that this game has to offer, but I don't even know where to start...

If anyone has any tips or ideas, I'd be super grateful lol

My confusion about progressing aside, I honestly really love it! (I'd say more about what I love about it, but I'm wicked tired & I think I've used up the last of my remaining brain cells lol)

I'm glad you liked my game, and these images can help you get other endings in the game.

thank you!!! I'll be sure to look into those at some point! ^U^